The Closer and Farther We Hear
We are seeing a surge in audio-based platforms but these developments can be found everywhere, even from the games that we play. For those of you who have played Phasmophobia or Among Us, the feature called Proximity Chat is not uncommon for you. For those who don’t, it is a simple feature that allows you to listen based on the distance you are with the speaker. Let’s say I’m on the second floor in the game, then you will proceed to hear my voice from far away. Phasmophobia even filters the sound based on the location. If the location is an empty classroom, then there will be echo in a wide room.
The game feels much more immersive and let’s the players perceive distances in a more realistic way. There are a lot of apps that do take this into account too, such as This goes to show that sound really changes things, from what you hear to where you hear it.