In-depth Creative
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We are an independent podcast creative company based in Jakarta with partners worldwide. We produce podcasts in both English and in Indonesian. From branded podcasts, narrative storytelling, audio documentaries to heartwarming audio dramas, we strive for independent thinking, intelligent stories, nuanced analysis, and unbound creativity. Learn more about our services and how to partner with us.

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podcastart lab - podcasting dari nol

[ID] Podcasting bisa jadi intimidatif kalau kamu ga tau harus mulai dari mana atau kenapa kamu harus membuatnya! Selang beberapa waktu, kreativitas episode kalian juga bisa jatuh ke plateu. Nah, itulah alasan kenapa kami membuat Podcastart Lab! Podcast yang isinya tutorial (yang ga ditahan-tahan) tentang…podcasting!


[EN]Podcasting can be intimidating if you don’t know where to start or why you even need one! After a while, episodes can also fall into a plateau of creativity. That’s why we created this podcast in Bahasa Indonesia! This is a podcast that gives you generous tutorials on…well, podcasting!